Rest in piece

by Jennifer   Apr 4, 2012

You made me laugh
You made me think
you made the time stand still

It was summer vacation, we walked away
Thinking two months, would quick past away

But then you got a tragic end
2 shot in the head
And i lost a really good friend
You keep appearing in my dreams
You doesn't make it easier to stop grief
Rest in piece


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  • 12 years ago

    by Jennifer

    Thnx :) i`m from an another country than my profile says, so i`m not that good in grammar :( But i hope i can be good over time :) Thnx for your nice comment, and the person you looses will always live in your heart and relive in your memories :`)

  • I can absolutely relate to this poem. It's the most horrible feeling to lose a friend (or anyone for that matter). Sorry for your loss. It certainly helps to write about it though.

    The poem started off at quite a fast pace and then slows dramatically as the tragedy unfolds. Very cleverly written. Though since I must critique, just watch the spelling and grammar. Though the emotion you sured was great.

    Take Care,