Natures Response

by Chelsey   Apr 4, 2012

Floating along the stream of loves riverbank
my hair swirls in the current thats moving towards you
My back feeling the temperatures change in the water
when you go from happy to over-joyed

Clouds above me forming hearts
Birds whistling romantic tunes
Rhythmically making tree branches sway
Causing dead leaves to twirl on the ground

Mere thoughts of you are somehow
uttered into the environment melodically
Arousing my spirit and enriching my soul,
invigorating natures response


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  • 12 years ago

    by Xionide

    "Floating along the stream of loves riverbank
    my hair swirls in the current thats moving towards you
    My back feeling the temperatures change in the water
    when you go from happy to over-joyed"

    You've created a lovely picture for us reader to lose ourselves in with this stanza, it's nice, those last two lines and I may be wrong how I interpreted them but when two people form a strong bind they're able to feel things that only a connection can bring.

    "Clouds above me forming hearts
    Birds whistling romantic tunes
    Rhythmically making tree branches sway
    Causing dead leaves to twirl on the ground"

    Is it not amazing what love can do, it inserts a reason into a persons life than can change anything for better or worse, it opens up a beauty around the world we'd otherwise miss, love makes the simplest thing beautiful when you have someone to share it with, this stanza is such a marvellous portrayal of that, it's what love can do, and it's perfectly pictured simply with words.

    "Mere thoughts of you are somehow
    uttered into the environment melodically
    Arousing my spirit and enriching my soul,
    invigorating natures response"

    It's as I said above, love can intertwine itself in anything and everything, from the smallest thing to the biggest, it gives us the power to associate the love we feel for said person with beautiful things we see around us, a reminder, on both parts that not everything is sour in this world, when all it takes is one little thing to grow into something that defines us all. Very well written, you expressed love brilliantly.

  • 12 years ago

    by Xionide

    "Floating along the stream of loves riverbank
    my hair swirls in the current thats moving towards you
    My back feeling the temperatures change in the water
    when you go from happy to over-joyed"

    You've created a lovely picture for us reader to lose ourselves in with this stanza, it's nice, those last two lines and I may be wrong how I interpreted them but when two people form a strong bind they're able to feel things that only a connection can bring.

    "Clouds above me forming hearts
    Birds whistling romantic tunes
    Rhythmically making tree branches sway
    Causing dead leaves to twirl on the ground"

    Is it not amazing what love can do, it inserts a reason into a persons life than can change anything for better or worse, it opens up a beauty around the world we'd otherwise miss, love makes the simplest thing beautiful when you have someone to share it with, this stanza is such a marvellous portrayal of that, it's what love can do, and it's perfectly pictured simply with words.

    "Mere thoughts of you are somehow
    uttered into the environment melodically
    Arousing my spirit and enriching my soul,
    invigorating natures response"

    It's as I said above, love can intertwine itself in anything and everything, from the smallest thing to the biggest, it gives us the power to associate the love we feel for said person with beautiful things we see around us, a reminder, on both parts that not everything is sour in this world, when all it takes is one little thing to grow into something that defines us all. Very well written, you expressed love brilliantly.

  • 12 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    A Nature love letter----- thats how i felt while I read this poem Chelsey!!! Ohhhhh the romantic feeling is very pretty!!!!

    "Mere thoughts of you are somehow
    uttered into the environment melodically"

    so creative and romantic... love these lines!!

  • 12 years ago

    by L

    To me it sounded more like Natural response, something that usually happens when one is in love. So I see why the title is call natures response.

    I like the creativity and my favorite part is when you mention the hearts forming in the clouds.
    I find that so sweet.

  • 12 years ago

    by Karla

    Stunning piece Chels.The images are lovely.