Comments : Lyfe

  • 12 years ago

    by Rihanna

    I really liked this poem because it was short and straight to the point.

    Death taking her grip
    eating at my very being
    taking all my meanings away
    we all lose life at some point in life.

    Taking all her control
    Taking away all her life taking everything away.
    We all know at some point we lose something in life, everything will be taken from us.

    This poem is meaning full
    How your saying that at some point we will eventually those something. It was perfect and well written

    At the end of the poem were you said
    "we all lose life at some point in life"

    It whould flow better if you changed it to

    We all lose life at some point
    In my opinion I think it sounds better

    But overall such an amazging poem love<3

    5/5 x

  • 12 years ago

    by earlgreytea

    Sad but here 4 u .......sorry 4 rhyming:)