Double Rainbow

by Chelsey   Apr 6, 2012

Canary and citrus rays of sunlight
beam through the trees and snug beaten branches
Branches that gasp for breath
As fog absorbs their every motion

High above this desolate forest
resides two illuminating siblings
Radiating shades of turquoise and emerald
Lighting up the sky with
their violet and magenta smiles

Hidden by the corners of winding trails
in the hills of a desolate town
Are the ends of these two miraculous sights
Beautifying abandoned land


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  • 12 years ago

    by Angie

    Chels, you've done it again, breathtaking... I don't ever remember rainbows being described so eloquently as this before... you've definitely painted quite a beautiful picture with this write!!

  • 12 years ago

    by L

    "Lighting up the sky with
    their violet and magenta smiles"

    This lines were the ones that stood up the most to me... Violet and magenta smiles, I'm either thinking the lips are those colors rather than the teeth but for my first read I pictured the teeth being that color and that just ruined the image for me... lol

    After that I said wait no.. and so I read it again and the lips being that color makes more sense.

    over all, Beautiful piece.

  • 12 years ago

    by Lioness

    What a lovely nature poem. So beautiful and the images are gorgeous!!!

    Loved it


  • 12 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    Oh my goodness! I think you and Momma nature are twins!!! You took some really creative words here and wrote a gorgeousness nature poem!!! Canary and Citris!!! Mercy mercy mercy so pretty!

  • 12 years ago

    by Timothy

    Yep, totally "beautifying" piece Chels! The extended imagery is particularly pretty - especially the colours, "shades of turquoise and emerald... violet and magenta" - so warm and cushioned.