
by Faith Ann   Apr 6, 2012

Little Brannon I love you so
you may not be able to talk but you should still know
your little smile i'd kill to see
my eyes start to water with tears as I have to leave
Your hugs oh I never want to let go
i'll protect you from everything I hope you know
I'd put my life on the line to protect yours
all your hugs id cry out for more
Autism doesnt make you weird it makes you unique
youre still so very special even if you cant speak
Youre like my baby, a brother to me
Im sorry i dont come around much, i sure wish you were here for me to hold and feed
You are amazing and perfect in your own way
everybody is different dont listen to what people say


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Latest Comments

  • 12 years ago

    by Faith Ann

    Exactly! thanks :)

  • 12 years ago

    by JustAnotherPoet

    I can understand your feelings. My youngest cousin suffers from autism and yes, they is not different from us. They are just more special.

  • 12 years ago

    by Faith Ann

    ;) he sure is . thanks!

  • 12 years ago

    by Paul Gondwe

    Very lovely..i loved how you express towards the lil fella, how you would do anything just to see him happy, thats real love right there. I never expected that he had auticism, i dont know much about it but i do know, with you..he is in safe hands.

  • 12 years ago

    by Faith Ann

    Awww thanks buddy! XD

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