I'm not sure you're ready to play.

by lost and confused   Apr 7, 2012

You pull me close.
I slowly pull away.
I don't want to get close to you
It'll only cause more pain.
In the end I'll cry but you'll just sigh.
You never really wanted me anyway
I was just a game.

If i were to give into you
If I let you hold me close.
You'd feel as though you'd won.
When in all reality the game had just begun.
You gave up to soon because all you really wanted...
Was my body not my heart.

You see, my heart is the game.
It's doesn't take much to have my body
My heart on the other had no one has won
When you get to close it runs and doesn't stop
Till you're to far gone

But baby believe me if you keep going I promise i'll stop.
Chase me long enough and my heart will be yours.
For only the one who's strong enough to keep fighting can gain access to my heart and soul


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  • 12 years ago

    by Georgia

    You write pretty good. I really liked this hun :} I can relate to it.

  • 12 years ago

    by Georgia

    You write pretty good. I really liked this hun :} I can relate to it.