Comments : Possessed

  • 12 years ago

    by Paul Gondwe

    This was wonderful, i could relate to this.

    I too sometimes do things that i tend not to agree with, i just realised it has happened and i become surprised and confused.

    I dont if its posession but am just sure our minds tend to act in their own ways sometimes.

    Well written.

  • 12 years ago

    by Dagmar Wilson

    Wow, that's all I can say 5/5

  • 12 years ago

    by TJ Arizona Eagle

    You opened the door to the depth of sadness and allowed the reader to get the full emotional value..Excellent

  • 12 years ago

    by Lioness


    I love what you do with your writes. They are always filled with emotions I can relate to and you always manage to pull me in somehow with your poetry. This poem is completely sad but I feel a darkness as well especially with the images of being possessed. The idea that our thoughts and feelings are not our own. I adored the rhyming in this poem, the flow was awesome and I was hooked until the very end. Awesome write hun


  • 12 years ago

    by Wicked Ways

    This was a fantastic dark poem. . . . its black aura reallly shows in the mysteriousness in this and I like it.

    but everyone should know they are neber alone :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Xanthe


    Great title. Really pulled me to read this piece. I was expecting a sort of 'spiritual possession' and this did not fail to deliver.

    "It shadows becomes more solid"
    becomes should be singular because the subject (shadows) is plural.

    "A angry face begins to appear"

    "No-one notices the transition
    They believe that it is me
    They do not know I am trapped
    Screaming to be set free"
    This part stands out for me. Shows struggle..

    "I can see them losing patients"

    "If only they knew the truth about
    The force that lives deep inside
    Controlling my thoughts and actions
    That has my mind tied"
    I feel this way a lot of times.. If only they 'understand'

    "If only they knew that I was possessed
    That my mind is not its own
    Maybe they would actually help me
    Instead of leaving to battle this force alone"
    Great ending. But sometimes, there are battles we need to face alone, in order to win, so stand tall and fight :)

    Great piece 5/5 Keep writing :)
