The Pelican Poet

by Robert Healy   Apr 11, 2012

If you were a Pelican
I would say
Hello to you
What a wonderful day.

I'm off to the shops
I have things to buy
Before I spread my wings
And take to the sky.

I look forward to soaring
Across the sun painted sky
Loosen' my beautiful feathers
As I make ready to fly.

But I've been on the ground
And an age has passed by
I'm spoilt in my time
Am I ready to fly?

Maybe tomorrow
Or the day after next night
I'll be more prepared
With less of the fright.

So for now I'll stand tall
And walk among the crowd
Picking and plucking
Recycling your foul.


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  • 12 years ago

    by Darren

    Great stuff, Love the irony, I love this line, Or the day after next night. I might start using this when people ask me when I am going to get something done.
    You could imagine children reading this and enjoying it.

    • 12 years ago

      by Robert Healy

      Thanks Darren. I appriciate your comment. You're so kind.