The sharp knife of life

by rock serenade   Apr 16, 2012

Is it true that in life there's no price
Is it true that we're just pretending we're nice
What if we're all hiding behind masks
And that we're all shadows from the past
Is it true that we're dying bit by bit
Everytime we take a breath
What if we stop breathing will we last forever!!!
Or will we go fast to heaven
They say nothing lasts forever
But what if we dye together
We'll meet either in hell or in heaven
Iam praying for heaven .Would that!!
Is it true that silence is a slow that
and that death means a last breath
STOP STOP STOP..... for heaven sake
Stop talking about meeting death
Let's talk about your life....
But what if your life is just another sharp knife
Will you stay forever ....OH dear soul we'll leave together


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  • 12 years ago

    by rock serenade

    Thank you ..:)

  • 12 years ago

    by Unknown

    Good poem, like the message. 5/5

  • 12 years ago

    by hayet serenade

    Awesome kep up the great work chum

  • 12 years ago

    by Naughtymouse

    Love this piece of work the questioning in it really made my mind tick - I'm not the best critic in the world because imnot technical but I wanted to comment I found this to be a really powerful poem 5 / 5 from me :-)