Enmity between strangers

by Mattias Ostling   Apr 18, 2012

I love Eve!
^She's a dork
Ha-ha, you're both twats!

I read the text
as I literally mind
my own business.
I cannot help wondering what
people and what stories
lie behind these messages.

Who is Eve? Who is this
woman that is loved enough
to be written about in a
place like this?
Who is this other person
to insult and to assume?
What made him spit on her name?
What enmity lies between these
strangers? When indifference is all
that should exist between them.
Maybe he projected his own
feelings into this faceless stranger.
Maybe he too has loved and lost
and has to spread his anger
before it consumes him.

And then, like casting fuel on
an open-fire, the last man
insults and injures.
Maybe he wanted more information
about this lovely woman only
mentioned by name. Or maybe he
is mad because these other two
strangers do not know how well
they have it. For if they had
been through what he has, they
wouldn't be writing such menial
stuff on a wall in a place like this.

I'm about to read some more message
when I realize that my business here is done.
'til the next time I need
to use the bathroom anyways.


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  • 12 years ago

    by Karla

    Great piece bro.

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