And In The End We're Faking

by Misfit Silentts   Apr 19, 2012

My friends are speaking
and I am laughing,
smiling at the words they say
and responding appropriately.
Can they tell I'm faking?
I miss you
and the way
you could always make me smile
even when I didn't want to.
Your words
left the warmest feeling
inside my heart.

Your friends are speaking
and you are laughing,
smiling at the words they say
and responding appropriately.
Are you faking?
For a moment
I think that I see
a glimmer of sadness in your eyes.
I miss you
and the times
when you never cried.
Your laugh
could brighten the darkest days.

Remember not so long ago,
when you would hold me tight
and tell me how much you loved me?
You would kiss my lips
and promise me Forever.
Were you faking?
My heart is broken
and I am missing you
and the days that we were carefree,
losing ourselves in one another.
You were my everything,
and I was yours.

My friends are speaking
and I am laughing,
smiling at the words they say
and responding appropriately.
You glance over.
Can you tell I'm faking?


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  • 12 years ago

    by E Dacaf

    I think this is my favorite of yours. I really like it.

  • 12 years ago

    by E Dacaf

    I think this is my favorite of yours. I really like it.

  • 12 years ago

    by E Dacaf

    I think this is my favorite of yours. I really like it.