Are we all the same
Am i the same person
Dont our identities change
Do what our parents do shape us
Can we change our identities
or are they what our ancestors chose
Do we live on through our children
If so am i the same
As my great great great grandad
Even though we are different genders
Even though we live in different times
Are we still the same
Since he lives on through his children
And i am in a sense his child
Who am i
Who are we
Are we the same as those who lived
Hundereds of years ago...
by the way this was a poem i had to wrtie for school in reply to shakespears sonnet 16 (which is a procreation sonnet it so really in reply to sonnet 1-17) =D TADA
Circumstances can change the way we feel
at times we become adapted to a certain
environment, pain, sickness and grief
may change our attitude, we are who we are.