Love less, Hurt more

by Chelsey   Apr 23, 2012

I often wonder why girls
laugh at the thought of a promise ring,
but now I've realized
they have been lied to
by a man who lacks sincerity

I'm left feeling my finger
where once a silver diamond ring
held the guarantee of forever

My days are now filled with
removing memorabilia you gave me
and clearing you from my thoughts
although I have yet to find
an eraser big enough, to
eliminate the emotions
that are eroding my heart

As time continues to climb on,
loving you less will become my goal
However, reaching it will take eternity
as the prerequisite is hurting more


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  • 12 years ago

    by Mr Rhee

    I read the other comments, and I must say, it really does go both ways in this matter. I do know the hurt, and the anger, and still know the scars, oh so well. Where I once wore a ring, I covered that heartfelt scar with a tattoo with my new love's name. Sadly, I'd have to cut off my finger to rid myself of that new scar. You wrote this with so much emotion. One can't help but remember their own hurts, and angers, and scars. Great write.

  • 12 years ago

    by Lioness


    Wow, this poem is one of those poems where you know that someone needed to write it, a sort of really letting their feelings out and exploding with emotions. This is what I can feel reading it.

    You know promise rings sound awesome. I don't think here in Australia they are common as much as they are overseas. I mean for me I guess the promise ring would be more like the engagement or Wedding ring rather than a promise ring to be together forever. I always loved it though, I'd hear about it in the movies and used to love it when someone gave someone else the ring, I thought it was the sweetest moment. I guess though when something like that breaks apart it would hurt them like crazy. Because the idea of forever is simply that, forever. Of course things happen beyond our control but it can take so much out of us emotionally. I am glad you are writing this because it is a way of helping you deal with what you are going through. I hope that you feel better in time.

    I loved the poem, it was sad and filled with emotions which I love reading poems for. A great way to express your feelings.


  • 12 years ago

    by Decayed

    Oh Chels.. you have struck my chords with this write. I understand obviously... I really hope you find the best for you. I mean I will... It's just that you will get hurt in the beginning.. then, you will learn and choose carefully..

    ~ loove

  • 12 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    Chelsey, Let me tell you I could feel the pain deep here, I know what it is like to have loved and then had your heart broken but at times I feel it is better to have never loved for the pain still burns many years later, for a true love never leaves you completely

    The flow was smooth and the wording captivating and the imagery strong

    Really lovely piece


  • 12 years ago

    by L

    Stay strong, this piece is powerful.

    You know, that's what Many dislike about love that love can teach us many things but seriously it never teach us to forget. And I guess is because we have to remember in order to learn what love is. I like this piece for it's creativity and also because I can feel your tone of voice. It's heartbreaking to find out that they were just empty promises.