
by Something Diabolical   Apr 23, 2012

Once, long ago, there was a young boy
Who was saddled with feelings, of pain and of joy
The boy that once lived, had a mysterious past
Nobody knew, and nobody asked

The boy I speak of, grew into a man
This is when our story began

The man grew tired of day-to-day life
Ignoring his children, ignoring his wife
Something inside him just wasn't right
Nothing could stop the nightmares each night

The nightmares grew vivid, inside of his head
Nothing could stop them, he wished he were dead
Deprived of sleep, his reality became blurred
Some say this triggered the killings that occurred

Enacting his terrors, the man did find pleasure
Hunting his prey in his own leisure
Homeless and vagrants were found by the noose
Subject to torture and weeks of abuse

When finally caught, he had much to explain
He said nothing, but appearing mundane
During trial, he mumbled words that seemed mad
"Good old mum and dad"

This is where our story did end
Or did he escape?... Killing again


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Latest Comments

  • 12 years ago

    by Aubrey

    Love it! Crazy and epic! Love love love it!!!!

  • 12 years ago

    by Autumn Leaves

    Great poem, I really don't like dark poems but this piece was mind gripping, intense and twisted and I think that what makes this a great poem. I really like the ending because it leave me wandering what happen next and was this desire to kill curable.


  • 12 years ago

    by Joseph Boadi

    You have talent

  • 12 years ago

    by january friend

    The flow worked very well
    "Enacting his terrors, the man did find pleasure
    Hunting his prey in his own leisure
    Homeless and vagrants were found by the noose
    Subject to torture and weeks of abuse" -this was the only part that caught me up reading, but i'm not sure anything should be done to it.
    the only other suggestion i will make is in the end. to me it would sound better if he said "good old mum AND GOOD/DEAR OLD dad" - but like i said, its personal preference. good job, i enjoyed reading it

  • 12 years ago

    by BlueJay

    Wow, this piece is very well wow. Your word choice is fantastic and the style you used is capturing for this piece. The mood was definatly conveyed well, as was the "story" of it. Excellent job.

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