Comments : Between Dusk and Dawn

  • 12 years ago

    by Ms Happiness

    Wow I really love it:)
    Perfectly written:)

  • 12 years ago

    by Decayed

    There's is something vague to me in this piece.. that's why I adore it so darn much.

    I will be reading this more often, of course just to get some more hints...

    Andrea you da woman!

  • 12 years ago

    by Naughtymouse

    Syrup I love to read your work you have such control over it that it just demands to be read again and again and again.... I simply love it :-)

    "For I kissed a demon
    near the round table
    as the jester poisoned
    my virgin wine."

    Syrup your a God Damm rock chick through and through, I adore this verse it just screams out Rock \m/ !!!!

    5/5 xx

  • 12 years ago

    by Lioness

    I love this piece hun, there was something very Greek Mythology about this piece, something unique. The first few stanzas before you mentioned Medusa you could already tell that this was something awesome and of old nature. The words you used like jester and round table. Brilliant. I thought the images were beautiful and amazing. I loved this poem completely!!!


  • 12 years ago

    by L

    Hehe I'll be honest, I'm clueless about what this means. I feel like I've seen the title before. I like how it sounded when I read it though.

  • 12 years ago

    by L

    Would you mind sending me a Pm to what this is about?

  • 12 years ago

    by Heavy

    Goodness, How I've missed your writing!!! I love the mysteriousness to this - It seems to have a seductive edge and thought-provoking manner to it. I'd have to agree with everyone else about the meaning behind the meaning! Maple, I come back and you're still on fire! Ha Ha. Great write!


  • 12 years ago

    by A lonely soul

    Amazingly worded love verse embedded with a touch bit of mythic Greek flavor, a lot of mystique, a little bit of disappointment in (love) and of course a lot of superbly chosen metaphors to word them, unburied by the disinhibition of a midnight cocktail. Amazing, how one can relate real feelings to "crickets" in love, who did not find the right season to mate, but yet remain bonded to each much deeply in love! What can I say, you have an amazing way to project your thoughts, with so much talent in your pen. I dare not interpret it fully (perhaps a little too private), but would love to hear the judge's wisdom. :)

    And of course , congratulations on yet another well deserved win.

    (A little bit of edit to my early morning misguided wisdom)

  • 12 years ago

    by Danial

    Very foreboding and insidious.

  • 12 years ago

    by Blissful

    I am in awe. I have read this numerous times trying to decipher the meaning but I am still at a loss. One moment I think it means on thing, then my opinion changes but that is what I love about this poem! It had many interpretations because you leave enough room for the reader to explore rather then you revealing the meaning right off the bat. I loved the mysterious allure this poem contained although it was painted with such vivid imagery. I like that the beginning and ending were tied in together with a similar image because it brought the poem to a satisfying close. I loved how you said you owned your own destiny for that is so true! Although sometimes things happen to us that are out of our control but how we deal with these situations is what paves our destiny. I will keep reading this poem to find more did a wonderful job!

  • 12 years ago

    by Britt

    Comment from judging:

    The second stanza made it all for me. I haven't read a poem with such imagery in quite a while. I have fallen in love with the "old" feel here, bringing it back to another time, definitely not a modernized poem. I do love the metaphors here for a lovers' quarrel, though! I thought this was very creative. Typically we see poetry about people fighting but it's more specific to human, but using crickets was so interesting to me. It's like their song is typically sweet, soothing, comforting so when you have angry words and name calling, it hurts that much more. This was amazing!

  • 12 years ago

    by Robert Gardiner

    Fantastically Penned, Kudos!!!

  • 12 years ago

    by Andrew Packard

    Ok, now that's poetry! Reminds me of Jack Ramey

    Jack Ramey is a poet, performer, and professor at Indiana University Southeast where he teaches a variety of writing courses. He has published two books of poetry: The Future Past (Dark House Press) and Death Sings in the Choir of Light (Springwood Press). In the 1980s he portrayed the Welsh poet Dylan Thomas in his one-person show Dark Is a Long Way: An Evening with Dylan Thomas. The show had successful runs in New York and Los Angeles. More recently he has performed Whitman's "Song of Myself" at the New York Public Library and the Walt Whitman Birthplace Museum on Long Island. His educational DVD: William Blake: Imagination and Vision won an Aegis award in 2005.

  • 12 years ago

    by Ares

    As a few others have said already, I agree that this poem has a certain vagueness to it, which I love.

    What really makes this poem work for me though is the fact that it forces me between two worlds; the modern and the middle ages. To be even more specific, it makes me think of reckless beauty and modern day unfiltered truth and realism.

    That is something you don't see everyday on P&Q. This will be my first 5 of the day!

  • 12 years ago

    by Robert Gardiner

    Exquisite Write!!!

  • 11 years ago

    by Lemon

    I love the link back to the first stanza :). I find the punctuation adds a certain charm, I like the ellipsis, it gives the poem a longer standing impact

  • 10 years ago

    by Brittany Klein

    I love it! I loved how you took the end back to the begining. Like a circle of life! Great job! 5/5


  • 7 years ago

    by Pagan Paul

    I love this :-) wonderfully dark and evocative.