Soaring to new heights

by Chelsey   Apr 24, 2012

You see, you expected her to leave with ease
yet, you left her with a crushed soul
The kind of crushed a mother bird sees
when her baby falls out of the nest-
devastated, ruined, weak

Little do you know, unlike the chances the hatchling has
she has grown new wings and found strength in her soaring
preparing for a flight that creates a new beginning
Yes, you leaving,
has given her hope for a broadened horizon

She promises, when she soars to new heights
When the top of the mountain has been reached,
she'll look down and laugh at your dismay
as you're watching her reach for the sun
leaving you with bittersweet memories
of a once lifeless, fragile nestling


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  • 12 years ago

    by L

    Same here,

    I was surprised to see the twist in this piece.
    Since I started reading it, I thought that it will continue being sad and later there it goes the cheerful tone and one that says: yes! I will move on.

  • 12 years ago

    by Jenni

    I have to agree with Liz, this poem does have a sad touch, but that isn't what dominates, it is the fact that the speaker has found a way to grow due to what happened, which sounds easier than it is done, but there is so much will in the tone, that I'm sure it will work out.

  • 12 years ago

    by Karla

    Gorgeous piece Chels!

  • 12 years ago

    by Lioness

    Part of this poem was of course sad especially when you're talking about the demise of a relationship but then it hits you with this unbelievable strength in the end which is awesome. I love when poems do that. It gives you this awesome feeling inside and it did for me.

    Awesome write hun. Loved the setout of your poem and the flow. It worked well.


  • 12 years ago

    by Dagmar Wilson

    L.ove brings lots of Joy, as well many tears
    along with pain. It takes time, eventually
    pain becomes manageable. Don't close your heart, weigh your options, moving
    towards something better who deserves
    you. It's like if you let a bird fly and it will
    return it was yours to begin with. 5/5