
by Something Diabolical   Apr 28, 2012

Deeper into the shadows, I crawl for you
Ever searching for "Love", I wonder the blue
After finding my heart, forever lost to the void
The feelings of sorrow once fresh, now destroyed
Healing the deepest wounds I once knew

I invite you deeper, to the depths of my heart
Sadly I realise, you're lost in the dark

Incapable of finding you, I search within
Never again to feel the touch of your skin

Losing my way, I regress back to my pain
Oblivion has tragically, reached me again
Venturing onward, to find all I hold dear
Eventually I find you, cowering with fear

Withstanding my heart had driven you insane
In love with you dearly, I still remain
These feelings I hold, drove you away
Holding you close, I shriek and see the decay

Understanding our love, I will always regret
Since I can remember, I could never forget


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  • 11 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    Wow this is so beautiful, i love it 100./100!

  • 11 years ago

    by crystaljean88

    Wow..i really dont have any words that come to mind beside wow. lol nice piece 5/5

  • 11 years ago

    by Aubrey

    Wow....amazing! I'm so speachless and blow away....beautiful write ...10/10

  • 12 years ago

    by Robert

    I really did enjoy the rhyme scheme. The flow was well done. I think you used abit too much description because I can see one get lost in the words. Some time short and to the point is the best way. Still all and all a good poem. Please check out my work. You can also see some projects I been working on at.

    keep writing plot121

  • 12 years ago

    by Marcy Lewis

    Again with my favorite rhyme scheme that I never can do, and you do beautifully. I love that your main write is dark poetry, but there is still a sweetness to it.

    Losing my way, I regress back to my pain
    Oblivion has tragically, reached me again
    Venturing onward, to find all I hold dear
    Eventually I find you, cowering with fear

    ^^Your vocabulary is so gorgeous. I can't compliment on that enough. It's so much better than the mundane, overused adjectives and nouns. Your writing is very sophisticated.

    That stanza in particular was my favorite. I can relate to it. If I were to look deeply into this, the last two lines sound like the Speaker is looking for herself. And when she finds the strong person she was before, the girl from before is a sad, scared girl who needs to be built back up again. This whole poem could be about just the Speaker, if you want to interpret it that way.

    Again, you are another exceptional write!

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