Comments : I'd bet on you

  • 12 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    Chelsey, when I read the title, I felt it seemed simple, as seeing the genre as being love, but I was pleasantly surprised,
    This deserves a complex comment, in depth and such, so...

    As I lay in a crowded bed of thoughts,
    I can't help but hear the sound of
    slot machines ringing and poker chips stacking
    And yes, I know cliche's are over used in poetry
    however, two remain very solid in my head
    "The chances are at odds" and
    "The stakes are high"

    ^^WOW, That was my first thought. Cliché's are over used but when twisted and added so well I love them, and this wasn't cliché at all, it was sooo original. I love how you said "crowded bed" instead of "crowded thoughts", just twists the piece around and makes me think that you are with so many others at this time, if not physically.

    When a person asks for another chance,
    love then becomes a gamble
    Bets are made on who will win,
    Questions arise, like will anyone lose?
    Palms become sweaty at the thought
    of everything crashing all over again

    ^^How you added the thought here that some people lose in love, and how you used the image of sweaty palms in anticipation and excitement.

    Truthfully , it comes down to one thing,
    how well the couple plays the game
    Will laying everything on the line,
    giving all you bare in your soul,
    retrieve you the biggest win of your life?

    ^^^Okay, This stanza seemed off in flow, it wasn't as smooth as I'd like, maybe because of the wording and the breaks with the comma's.

    This poem goes out to the one I love,
    the one who ensured my survival
    before our adoration got defeated
    by confusion and lack of trust
    I believe in second chances,
    and I'd bet on you to win.

    So take whatever you have in your wallet,
    place it on the table of confidence
    and believe in taking a greater risk
    For the ones who have faith in their luck
    become victors in the end.

    ^^Oh my, that last stanza, actually the last two, were just really awesome. Having faith doesn't do much when placing a bet but when betting on love, wow... awesome way of writing this.

    Chelsey, you just blew me away, I love how you began talking about cliché's but then this became anything but, that was fantastic. AMAZING


  • 12 years ago

    by Ms Happiness

    Thats awesome, I really love this poem:)

  • 12 years ago

    by nouriguess

    Chels, never stop writing. Mwa!
    I'll comment later. I'm not really fine at the moment.

  • 12 years ago

    by Lioness

    OH MY!

    What an awesome friggin write!

    I didn't take notice that the poem was in the love section so as I was reading the first stanza it made me think of actual gambling (like in Vegas or something) I do remember Vegas and I loved the sound and smell of everything!

    Once I realised you had posted this under love of course everything came together with your words. This is so creative and I absolutely love the idea of taking chances on love and giving second chances (well depending on what they have done in the first place)

    This is such a smart poem and you have I love the layout of the poem. Simply beautiful.


  • 12 years ago

    by Wicked Ways

    I absolute love this poem. it had emotions,,, raw emotions......the mention of poetry too, i liked how you put that in there , this is an awesome reminds me of this quote "relationships would be better if couples would realize they are both on the same side"

    excellent poem here you have written nice work

  • 12 years ago

    by Yakari Gabriel

    "The chances are at odds" and
    "The stakes are high"

    someone explain this to me,
    isn't it ...the chances are at stake?

    I'm so confused.......

    other than that, I thought this was great
    you've been growing A lot as a writer,

    you're digging deeper, writing deeper
    using new words, finding new metaphors,
    balancing into not making it sound to complicated... but you haven't lost your sweetness.

    You always write with sweetness..

    way to gooooo ....

  • 12 years ago

    by Jenni

    I really like how you described giving that person or maybe even love a second chance. I think that everything you said really fits to how one feels during that moment. Since everything seems to depend on you, whether you are up for it or not, whether you think it's worth the risk or not.
    The only thing, that this comparison lacks is the hurt one feels when it didn#t work out the first time, but that is absolutely fine.

    Overall I believe that this is a well written and heartfelt poem.

  • 12 years ago

    by L

    I'll be honest, I for some reason dislike poems that have at least in one of their stanzas that this might be cliche.. It's just so cliche that frustrates me and makes not want to read a poem.

    But I overlooked it and I'm glad I did, this turned out really good. Right after I finished reading the cliche part I started feeling your voice, and that got me through keep reading. The end was fabulous. I do believe in second chances, I don't believe in giving a second chance if there was cheating. But since it's seems like this is not about cheating. I would love it if there was a second chance even if the stakes are high.

    EDIT: though, I don't dislike when they use cliche phrases as long is not mention that is cliche.. I'm not sure why..