Comments : Mama doesn't know

  • 12 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    You have written a powerful piece here.... I'm a grandma of 2 beautiful boys.... I call them my mocha babies :-) This poem reminded me when my daughter first told me of the boy who first stole her heart....although I wasn't like the mother in this poem.... I told her... I don't care if hes blue, or purple with polka dots... if he treats you good and makes you happy.... then I'm happy....

    I love your ending line... sighs.... awesome poem!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 12 years ago

    by Lioness

    I love this opening, it gives me an insight of what to expect in your poem. The idea of biting nails reminds me of myself. I do that when I have a lot of anxiety. The idea that the nails have grown does say at that moment, this person was content.

    This whole poem is amazing. I love the image of two people falling in love for the sake of love rather than physical appearance. I know that this isn't a true story but the thing is, it could be. There are so many people out there who's lives are changed for the better because they are in love which is magical. Then someone else would try to break that love for stupid reasons such as colour, race or religion. I think that has to do with people not understanding others, being afraid of the different. I think you have penned this so well that the emotions feel like they are coming from you even though they are not.

    Awesome write!!!
