They say all warfare is based on deception
Even war claimed to be for truth and the good of the world
And in war truth is the first casualty
They also say that self satisfaction is the key
Walking through the dead emotions
Brothers in shallow graves farthers love with out a trace
A girl afraid too cry out says she misses her life order
I'm not satisfied
I've seen fear I have seen faith
Those two emotions in a persons eyes makes us
Erupt with emotion at extreme levels
So why has a girl been given nothing but sprit expected to fight
A fight she has fought and lost
The one thing she protects has fallen into a aybess
Yet her enemy stands and mocks her
"little girl little girl why are you crying ?"
A phrase uttered to her but no one listens to her answers
As the darkness consumes her
She too is on the verge of a meltdown
But she fights on
I've tried to help but I've come back with a broken sword
I've seen her
Looked into her eyes
Which have already seen to much
She wishes too rest but her heart is heavy
For there is no end to her fight
A fight which I'm sure
Will lead to her bitter end