Comments : Lingering

  • 12 years ago

    by nouriguess


  • 12 years ago

    by Max

    Well i find nothing to criticize about this poem
    its pouring emotions, well written and the words are fitting very well
    this is another lovely poem of yours
    its just gr8 the flow is good too
    thanks for posting that and sorry for your grandmother
    may she rest in peace
    5/5 =)

  • 12 years ago

    by nouriguess


  • 12 years ago

    by Xanthe

    Lol, Noura. It's not that good, you'll only waste your vote on this, so thank God you did haha

  • 12 years ago

    by Yrem Crish

    Wow. Another shivering poem from yours. Your words here engrave sadness to the readers..well, unedited--but the whole piece fascinatingly written in perfect style..the metaphors are depth but meaningful, yet simple monody in free verse, am i right? And I like the way you style...for refraining some words in the starting part and in the ending part, like---- expecting to catch a scent
    of your chocolate
    lingering in the air---your a genius writer, Xanthe--you used here the different style of poetry..whole thing in your piece is really and completely perfect!
    rate here

  • 12 years ago

    by nouriguess

    Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. So I have pulled my sister from her hair to it here and comment, lol, relishing your words! See how much I'm sacrificing for ya! haha. Well, let me just start off by saying that I love your style, I love it so much. The way you title your poems and can I be honest? I feel as if you are someone who had left the site then come back, I don't know why but I feel as though I know you!! haha. So, I read the word 'linger/ lingering' in many poems and actually they don't always make that much of sense. Here I thought you were talking about being in love yet deprived of your partner or something. But when I reached that wonderful stanza I kinda knew you weren't and believe me I was amazed.

    On mornings like this
    with the birds silent
    and the clouds gathering
    beneath my nose,
    I awaken
    expecting to catch a scent
    of your chocolate
    lingering in the air
    waiting to rouse me from my sleep.


    At first I was totally clueless about the chocolate part, I was lke...whose choclate? lol I didn't find it any romance-like metaphor. I know tat it does have a meaning regarding the topic you were writing about but I was sleepy, haha, mind me not! I have one concern though, wouldn't it be better, I mean grammatically, if you said 'mornings like this one'? I LOVE the clouds gathered beneath your nose image, so meaningful to me. I just imagined an Autumn morning with clouds dispersed and walking towards my eyes, seeing them as blur. I felt as well, that you meant to say you feel dreamy or high...I just liked that, gave my mind something to think of!

    That evanescent mirage,
    like an apparition teasing me
    to remember what I never knew,
    yet beleaguering me to forget


    Mirage IS evanescent so I thought that adjective for mirage isn't really needed, maybe you wanted to assure it? But then I felt you could simply say 'mirage' :/
    I love the use of words, however, here. Remembering what you never knew and forgetting everything around, like saying this memory is taking your sanity away! and that you feel it never existed, well that is interesting.

    Brooding in my bungalow now,
    sipping what's left of my bitter coffee,
    I'm suddenly thankful
    for having ended my dalliance
    with death.


    Ahhhhh! You reminded me of my poetry, lmfao! I use coffee too much, I know. XD To be honest, I never heard of 'bungalow' used in poetry. Does it mean a small, rustic house? I don't know, I still didn't Google it but I'll do. It had me imagining. I love how you inserted 'death' here. It added a tone to this stanza.

    the glamour of what we almost had
    was worth keeping, yet
    I knew the air was redolent of deceit,
    that's why I ended it.


    I most say that is the saddest line I have read in a while. I just want to say that to my ex, lol! The wording was absolutely smart and meaningful. I mean 'glamour' and 'air' worked so well with each other and I guess it was something original and refreshing. However, I guess he last line wasn't needed that much. The 'yet I knew...' sentence has served the meaning and you don't need to explain too much what you feel, got me? I just think that if you left it a bit mysterious, it would sound more interesting. That being said, I have to admit how much I loved this stanza.

    Each morning,
    when I came down the wooden stairs
    to find you baking bread
    and roasting cacao seeds for chocolate,
    I always felt warm; loved, even
    (believe me or not)
    With your chocolate-scented fingers,
    you lifted me up my chair
    to the counter top I could not reach then.


    I just loved that! Baking bread and the scent of chocolate and childhood, you reminded me of my childhood! Of my grandmother actually! I loved how you changed your tune from 'mornings like this' and 'each morning' I just love thisssss. I also like how you put that 'believe me or not' sentence in between, as if you are talking to that person/thing/memory and they are staring at you with disbelief. I just found it real! I love the details of this, I am nominating this on Monday and dare not say it's not that good. Because it is that GREAT.

    'rubbing the sleep from my eyes,'


    Loved the simile of being drowsy and hardly waking up, well I have my final exams so I'm feeling this way too, haha, I can relate! :P

    I expect to smell your chocolate lingering in the cold air,
    yet I'm always left disappointed.
    But, perhaps
    I expect too much from this

    Loved how you used 'lingering' (the title) at the end. Not at the beginning. It would feel really boring and lame if you have used it in the opening, y'know. We all have been there, expecting too much from life, yet most of the time left disappointed and let down.
    I can feel you in every line. You just nailed everything, starting from the emotions of being left behind till the very end. You are a smart, imaginative writer. And oh what one can do with both imagination and cleverness!


  • 12 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    OMGOODNESS, I love it, so out there and breath taking, wonderful, can't wait to read more, you sure are talented

  • 12 years ago

    by Paul Gondwe

    Oh..Wow..where should i start. Let me thank God for creating you first of

    This is truly amazing, i loved how it started like a story, like i was seeing images in my head of every word you have penned down.

    Your choice of words was was placed right where it was supposed to and it flowed smoothly..


  • 12 years ago

    by DeviousCharmer

    Im so sorry your grandma died. beautiful poem

  • 12 years ago

    by L

    On mornings like this one,
    with the birds silent
    and the clouds gathering
    beneath my nose,

    --- I feel like the way you started this poem sets the right tone and warns the reader that this poem will be about memories, but not just that starting line also the title "lingering" gives the reader a hint about what this poem will be about.

    I particularly enjoyed reading the line " and the clouds gathering beneath my nose" hehe
    I'm not sure what to make out of it, but right now I'm with a cold and so I can't really breath that well, so I'm assuming that that's what you aimed towards to. I'm going to say that you want to say that you don't smell anything and hence the clouds covering the smell... Per chance. Or you are simply, setting a well descriptive image of your surrounding.

    I awaken
    expecting to catch a scent
    of your chocolate
    lingering in the air
    waiting to rouse me from my sleep.

    --- Believe it or not this lines right here spoke to my heart. When I was reading this poem, it just grabbed memories of my grandma and her cooking. It might not be chocolate but oh god that scent that emanates from her cooking is indescribable and it's able to wake me up even from the most amazing dreams.

    That mirage,
    like an apparition teasing me
    to remember what I never knew,
    yet beleaguering me to forget

    ---Beleaguering?? where did you find that word girl?!
    I love it though it makes me drowsy because I'm not quiet sure of the meaning despise the fact that I already looked for its meaning like fourth times. Its meaning is beleaguering in my senses. lol

    Brooding in my bungalow now,
    sipping what's left of my bitter coffee,

    --- Nice imaginary in this lines. I'm imagining you being unhappy or discontent and though I don't know how you look like, but I can still picture a random girl somewhere with cloudy face drinking her coffee.

    I'm suddenly thankful
    for having ended my dalliance
    with death.

    ----Dalliance? Where are you finding this words?
    a romance with death, that's pretty cool. I don't think anyone should fall in love with death itself, or at least for a long time...

    Over all, I fell in love with this piece. It brought back amazing memories of my grandma. I'm sorry for your grandma, but I'm glad you can still remember that sweet scent of chocolate. It's a relief and also a bit sad but I'm sure when you smell that scent your heart might feel warm because the presence of your grandma will be there lingering within that hot chocolate.

  • 12 years ago

    by Wicked Ways

    That mirage,
    like an apparition teasing me
    to remember what I never knew,
    yet beleaguering me to forget

    I really liked this line, about the mirage teasing you, and I also liked how you jjust wrote this, you just let your memories as a child out. . they came spillling out onto this poem and I can tell, and it does linger, the memories. . . . they just linger around and stay somehow . . but this piece was amazing so keep writing


  • 12 years ago

    by Lofallenve

    Such a beautiful dedication poem. I swear reading through this I could smell that chocolate. Now you have left me craving a food I do not have. D:
    Your words are quite lovely, you are a great poet. (:

  • 12 years ago

    by Lostlove1

    Oh Xanthe lol I love this Grandma poem.
    I hope I can leave sweet memories like this for my gdaughter Lily to remember me like your gma did, you.

    Made me think of my own sweet little grandmother-

    Shes always with you! :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Dagmar Wilson

    Grandmothers indeed are some very special
    and unique people. I hope that my grandchildren will remember me the way you did yours 5/5

  • 12 years ago

    by nouriguess

    Can't get over this...

  • 12 years ago

    by rock serenade

    Wow as usuall5/5 wonderful poem
    everytime I read one of your poems I feel it's different from the others in structure meaning imageries other words ur poems are soo special

  • 12 years ago

    by Veamm


    Grandmas are like our own mother. They care for us, comfort and threat us as their own. I like the dedication and the passion. Good job every grandmas in this world will be proud.

    Keep it up

  • 12 years ago

    by Amber

    Love it

  • 12 years ago

    by Unknown

    So sad. :( so much imagery, wonderful.

  • 12 years ago

    by East Poetry

    What a fond memory, and now that you have etched it in stone through poetry you will have it for forever.