A Drink or Few?

by Lioness   May 9, 2012

Do you crave spirits
to uplift yours or
does the alcohol
silence the screams
that cloud your mind?

Do you drink to
survive or do you
pray that you
survive the night

With each sip you
take, you lose control
of yourself, so how
do you expect to take
control of something

You could get
behind the wheel
when you're drunk
but someone else
may end up under it,

and you will lose
your life as quickly
as they lose theirs.

Don't be so selfish.

There's no such
thing as drink
driving safely.


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Latest Comments

  • 12 years ago

    by Unknown

    Very powerful, good message.

  • 12 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    Liz, I just loved this piece here, it was so well written, like giving the message and just realy showing the harsh reality of drink driving...

    At first, I was unsure of where it was leading, cos I felt myself nodding, yes I like a drink, and etc but then I was like, WOW she really gives this poem a great interest here.

    Liz, You just rock


  • 12 years ago

    by Kitty Kurse

    The flow was a little off but it is really powerful message, Good write

  • 12 years ago

    by Paul Gondwe

    A standing ovation for this piece. Very wonderful message and you have written it in a fun way but one reads grasping the message it conveys. I agree with you on this piece in that one really cant expect to control things when drunk. The questions just kept me glued and how you seem to write of someone who is naive made it more interesting.

  • 12 years ago

    by nouriguess

    I drink, I don't drive, because if I had my own car...I don't know it wouldn't be called car anymore! haha. One of our relatives used to drink too much till he had ulcer in his stomache, ewwww, his face was at first pale and he is now deprived of too many beautiful things. Your poem really really really REALLY is constructive! and so helpful to lots of people.

    'You could get
    behind the wheel
    when you're drunk
    but someone else
    may end up under it,'

    Well, that made me shiver! I just imagined someone being killed or run over by me, ughhh that gave me chills. I liked how you simply expressed your idea, with some powerful images here and there.

    I enjoyed the read, Liz!

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