It Doesn't Hurt

by Whitney M   May 10, 2012

Why can't you see,
How much pain i go through?
How deeply I'm wounded?
How horribly I'm scarred?
My heart is damaged,
My soul is wrecked.
Do you tell yourself,
"Oh, she'll be fine."
Does sleep come easy to you?
I'm terrified of being alone,
My fear of myself so strong,
When alone,
There's nothing to stop me,
No one to stare.
I see the blood begin to trickle,
Creating a trail down my ivory skin,
This isn't the first, nor the last,
I'm addicted to the blood,
The sting,
The shock when some one finally looks,
Looks close enough to see through my facade,
Acting as though I'm whole,
As though it doesn't hurt,
I hear those words again,
And go deeper,
Deeper than I've ever gone,
And I let the blood flow,
Because it's just so beautiful,
And I tell myself,
"No, it doesn't hurt at all..."


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