Suicide Regret

by WintersAngel   May 14, 2012

As I bring the knife to my throat
I'm one step closer to being free.
The pain will soon be gone
A peaceful setting around me.

I won't make it very far in this life
That much is crystal clear.
I can't make it through one day
Without a flood of tears.

As I feel the blood draining out
I'm one step closer to forgetting this place.
My dreams were crushed anyway
In life's inevitable race.

I dreamed of so mant beautiful colors
But their all gone now.
And theres no one left
To tell me why or how.

The darkness surrounds me
I look all around.
Theres nothing here but a faded light
There is no sound.

Someone calls my name
I look around feeling crazy.
How did I get here?
My memory seems hazy.

Why did I do this to myself?
I had so much to live for.
Now I'm alone
And I don't want this anymore.

I miss my family
I miss breathing.
It's so cold here
And I can't see a thing.

"You'll be okay." I hear someone whisper.
But I know I won't be.
I'm already dead, this is really happening
Someone, please, save me.

Now my hearts gone
Theres a hole in my chest.
I'm sorry for the pain I caused
But you know the rest.

I thought what I wanted was death
But now that it's done, I regret it.
I wish I could go back in time
And simply forget it.


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  • 12 years ago

    by Unknown

    Such a powerful poem, strong emotions. it's a different take on all the suicide poems i've read, not once have i read one with regret, i like it a lot. great job. 5/5

  • 12 years ago

    by Silent Girl

    I can relate to this poem sad poem :(

  • 12 years ago

    by mydarkness13

    I know that feeling and so does my partner we both have tryed to say our goodbyes but that what we dont really want. i guess to us is writing poems really helps . becacuse when i feel like dies a poem realy does help. you peom was so amezing . keep writing and stay strong :)

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