Comments : The world you're living in

  • 12 years ago

    by Dagmar Wilson

    Awesome awesome piece, what a healing piece

  • 12 years ago

    by Wicked Ways

    To ease the pain and to ignore how I truly feel
    But they told me to write. They told me to give more
    So this is my cry , the pouring out of how alone I felt
    when you decided your world was more important than mine

    I can really tell that you did pour our your emotions in this poem, it shows throughout the whole poem.. that you just poured it into this poem, it was deep and very emotional read. . nicely penned Chelsey I love your word choice... :)


  • 12 years ago

    by L

    This is really a pouring out of emotion in this piece, I like the smoothness and also the vent.
    It feels good to let it out. Nicely done.

    This is my favorite part and the one I feel you have pour out the most emotion.

    "I can only imagine how you bashed my name
    called me the less caring, the non-supporter
    But I...I have yet to give my side of the story
    Of how I felt attacked and betrayed,
    Forgotten and ignored,
    Belittled and mistaken"

  • 12 years ago

    by average thoughts

    D whole poem ws gud ,bt d 4th stanza speaks much lines r prfct..liked it

  • 12 years ago

    by nouriguess

    I have tip toed around my own poetry, hiding how I feel
    Using metaphors, soft spoken words
    to ease the pain and to ignore how I truly feel
    But they told me to write. They told me to give more
    So this is my cry , the pouring out of how alone I felt

    I'm happy you took by my advice and wrote what you truly feel without those metaphors that stop you most of the time from expressing freely what you feel inside... I am always feeling like am enchained just because I must perfect my wording and all but since a while I began to be more spontanious and that made me even more comfortable while writing!

    I wish you all the best, friend. :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Ole Carsten

    Oh what a poem

    You may live in a world where things are one sided,
    where you are always right, and your feelings...
    Not a happy line there, but well done and well composed

  • 12 years ago

    by Lioness

    This definitely feels like a poem you needed to get out of your system. I love it!

    It's so sad but there's this strong element to the words in the end like you're standing up for yourself and just giving it to them.

    Loved it
