
by Cardwell   May 18, 2012

Haikus are easy
But sometimes they don't make sense.


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  • 12 years ago

    by L

    Lol, I was surprised to see a haiku in the funny section.

    And I must say that this one is actually a senryu lol
    Because haikus are nature poems and senryus are for another.. Nonetheless... I found this funny.

    Adding the refrigerator part at the end, it was a nice touch, sir ( forgive me for typing in informal sometimes,)

  • 12 years ago

    by Lofallenve

    I simply LOVE this. XD
    I adore it and I just want to hug it.

    • 12 years ago

      by Cardwell

      Haha! Well I'm glad you like it :) thank you

  • 12 years ago

    by Kate

    Lol nice!

  • 12 years ago

    by Silent Girl

    Funny haiku :P

  • 12 years ago

    by Jenni

    I didn't know what to expect as I saw before I read it that it was in the funny poems category and I have to admit that it is funny.
    I do agree that Haikus might be easy in some sense as all that seems to matter is three verses with correct amount of syllables, but obviously if one only cares about that, they'll end up not making any sense. You emphasized that very well with your last verse and it made me laugh.
    Different, but funny nonetheless