King and Queen

by Unknown   May 19, 2012

Jet black hair,
snow white skin,
red ruby lips,
oh, the beauty within.

Lonely little girl,
lusting for love,
she sees from afar,
a handsome young treat.

Tall as a skyscraper,
dark olive skin,
muscles and more,
and even a cute crooked grin.

Shyness and giggles,
the start of young love,
"I'll be your King,
if you'll be my Queen."

They recited their vows,
shared a few stolen kisses,
and walk on the dance floor,
as Mr. and Mrs.

Copyright 2012: Hannah K.


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  • 12 years ago

    by The Poet Behind The Poems

    So many people would love a poem like this for a wedding

    Amazing as the rest ... loved the rhymin skeam ..

    I seriously never seen poetess write love poems like this


  • Oh this is a cute little piece! I particularly love the end verse. It flowed very nicely and had lovely rhyme.
    I must say the very first verse reminds me of Snow White. Great imagery that.
    Another undeniable 5/5

  • 12 years ago

    by average thoughts

    Short and sweet..and rhyming and flow ws perfct..grt work hannah..

  • 12 years ago

    by BlueJay

    A very simple piece, but I enjoyed it a lot. It was a refreshing piece, yet had some "taste" to it if you will. I love the descriptions and the voice wrapped up in the light cheerful tone; excellent.



  • 12 years ago

    by Yrem Crish

    I love this amazing and awesome imagery. Really impressing..keep writing:))