A Pink Box

by Meme   May 20, 2012

I kept it in its genuine pink
box, I only open it once
every month. How could
a scent trigger a million
rambling thoughts .. dreams
memories .. but in most cases
just suffocating hallucinations.

I inhale it like a drug, but in
fact its not. In a way I am just
addicted to the influence it
has on my brain, the feeling
that overwhelms every inch
of me.

With the birth of every new
moon I open it, to take a new
breath so I can travel; not
the world it seems, just an
empty road in my head.

© Copyright 2012 by: gIrL


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  • 12 years ago

    by DontWorryAboutMe

    I love this c:

  • 12 years ago

    by Lioness

    Oh this happens to me sometimes and I go back and look at older things that I have an attachment to.

    I wonder, is the once a month relating to something else you may get once a month? lol I usually get emotional at that time, even more so than I do every day.

    Awesome write, loved the images!!!


    • 12 years ago

      by Meme

      Hahaha, no Liz its not related to that. Although I do agree, emotions get so messed up at that time !!

  • 12 years ago

    by Unknown

    Very sentimental; great job 5/5

  • 12 years ago

    by Loosened Locks

    Oh, I just love this one! So sentimental and touching - It's really beautiful, I thought, very well written. I especially liked the last stanza;

    With the birth of every new
    moon I open it, to take a new
    breath so I can travel; not
    the world it seems, just an
    empty road in my head.

    Quite sad but what I think is lovely is what it says to me - and that is, that you're not bitter over past love, you cherish it, to this day, it still affects you, it's memorable and sweet. Very nice poem, hon. :)


  • 12 years ago

    by Dagmar Wilson

    Love it, excellent writing