I adore your writing, absolutely beautiful |
by Xanthe
Perhaps the most poignant poem I've read in a while. Really heart-breaking. And the note in the end added light to some parts which I didn't quite comprehend at first read. I can't say much, but you definitely made something beautiful out of a really sad event. Hm. I got an inspiration lol. Hope you don't mind ^.^ |
by Lioness
This is so sad hun. Especially the last part. The image of saying goodbye to someone that has passed away always brings tears to my eyes. |
by Chelsey
Gees, this was incredibly sad, but naturally amazingingly written!! Your descriptions made me envision what you were talking about , which made me feel the sadness at the very moment of this event.. |
by Unknown
I can definitely feel the emotion, my heart sunk, so sad. :( but you definitely was able to write it in a way that was beautiful and touching. 5/5 |
by Britt
This poem breaks my heart. All of the beauty in the beginning and fond memories, and then the line about the tornado abducting your heart. I have goosebumps as I read this, ah it's so touching. |
Some of your pieces are so beautiful, so beautiful it actually breaks my heart.. |
by Meme
Wooooow @_@ |