
by Chelsey   May 22, 2012

Misophonia: the hatred of sounds

I live my life surrounded by every day sounds of
Cars honking, leaves rustling, and children laughing
But it's the moments where I'm alone with one person
and their breathing is heavy, their nose is running
that cause the irritation in my being to stir

The crunching of chips or biting of a carrot
makes the receptors in my brain send signals to my heart,
speeding up its beat and slowing my breath
Consuming my every action, emotion, thought
Fixating them on my many annoyances

Hearing singing or humming of horrible voices
instantly clenches my jaw and creates the eyes to roll-
my self-soothing methods

When whistling is on TV, in a song, or in front of me
it's like the screeching of nails on a chalkboard
Tensing my insides, tears meeting my eyelids
anxiety settling its nest inside my head.

What some cannot make sense of, nor can I
is why a persons every day natural noises
become my daily torture


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  • 12 years ago

    by L

    I don't think I suffer from that but I can't stand when people sneeze for way too many times. Right after the 5th sneeze, I am about to say be quiet...It gets me annoyed. I try calming but it's something involuntary.

    This is an interesting topic and a well written poem.

  • 12 years ago

    by Hannah Lizette

    That must be torture! :(
    i like the idea of the poem, though... it would be cool to write like a series of phobia poems. great job. 5/5

  • 12 years ago

    by Dagmar Wilson

    The smallest thing or noise can trigger it
    anxciety, a lousy feeling. Others don't understand. I can relate so well
    well penned 5/5

  • 12 years ago

    by nouriguess

    Ohhhhh dammmnnn will commment later but woooowwww have no votes left .....dammit this is perfection really something to suffer ...ughh i relate and feel the sadnesss

  • 12 years ago

    by Ms Happiness

    I really like the idea of this poem:)
    Good job Chels:)