Comments : Sweet Lullabies (Acrostic)

  • 12 years ago

    by Darren

    I think, line 3 should be approaching, seems to flow better, but that is only my opinion.
    Each in line 4 needs to be a capital E
    Line 9 capital L for laying, Line 12 capital I for it's.
    Those aside, A great effort at an Acrostic poem.
    I like the imagery with breaths like a tear stained painting,
    However my own personal opinion I prefer acrostics to be written where the first letter of each line starts that line. (a bit confusing I know!!)
    Example rather than line 2 running into line 3 to pick up the 'E' in endlessly, I would have preferred to see Endlessly the start of a line in it's own right.
    But hey this is only my opinion and I don't want to take away from your ability to paint pictures with words.

  • 7 years ago

    by Abstract Poet

    Beautiful poem I like it.