Comments : Maturity

  • 12 years ago

    by Hannah Lizette

    I love your writing, it's always so deep and meaningful. always has that "wow" factor. :) 5/5

  • 12 years ago

    by Dagmar Wilson

    Deep and sad. I gad to read twice

  • 12 years ago

    by Lioness

    Awesome write Karla, full of wisdom. Again your last stanza got me! Loved it


  • 12 years ago

    by L

    Mistakes are just a new way of learning, feelings are weighed and the balance knows what equilibrium means.

    ^^ This lines were the ones that caught my attention the most.. Wisdom at its peak.

    I also like the part where you said that you were a star. i think you are .

  • 12 years ago

    by Exostosis

    Maturity . .

    This poem speaks somewhat about self liberation, about realization and also self forgiveness.

    Here everything has changed and the silences listen to me quietly. Haste gave way to gentleness as my hands are still for it matters not if eternity has no name. My body loses its shape and gains an unknown light, my skin dries eagerly while I find out new ways of dealing with my voice and time.


    According to me, the author has become more patient not only with his/her reactions but patient with life itself. Slowing down to ponder and reflect upon the journey led so far. The author notices that her physical appearance has changed, her nature has changed. Time flew by so fast. Never realized what everything has come to be. Has everything turned out the way the author imagined for it to be?. .Perhaps the author is tired by the friction of life, actually by all the unnecessary sufferings.

    Little things get so huge, principles woken or sleep and everything is so full of meanings and symbols. Mistakes are just a new way of learning, feelings are weighed and the balance knows what equilibrium means. The just measure can be called life and I am sure I'm a star now.


    Never contemplated how the minutest of decisions and the lightest of words, made a difference of massive proportions. Some of it propagated bad experiences and some good. But the author seems to be satisfied with every outcome or at least understands that his/her hands are tied. Nothing can be done to remedy the fractures, nor anything to fabricate the future that seems dark for now. The author has accepted the current circumstances. Things tends unfold as they should. And every mistake is just an attempt towards an improvement. The author is less afraid of making mistakes, for he/she has grown wiser over time and shall take better decisions.

    Immutability loses itself in new images and metaphors, creating words and candor. Eyes look inward and try not to see small attitudes. Tears fall fast for anything or maybe nothing when I'm a witch or a fairy.


    The operation of non evolution loses itself amidst new visual perceptions and references, creating verbal addresses and paths. Eyes ignore paltry persona, thus miserable adaptation. Emotions seem to be unstable depending upon the fluctuation of mental state.

    I am no longer what/who I used to be. My existential axis ignores the word power and everything that does not have the size of my heart. I do not know when this metamorphosis happened. The only thing I recognize is a (dis)enchanted woman who is still here underneath layers of wisdom and pain.

    ^ Although the initial sentence refers to the author regretting his/her growth, there is a bitter sense of accomplishment. Not necessarily an achievement of high value, rather a sense of being a little satisfied at heart and mind.

    My existential axis ignores the word power and everything that does not have the size of my heart.

    ^ This actually indicates that over time, the mentality of author has deviated away from power, thus greed or the need for being above someone or even of an equal status. Rather the author is an individual, his/her own person. And that what the conscience seeks or how it guides, shall be the answer to all doubts.

    The author did not notice the changes or the transaction of mental and physical state over time. But I believe the answer to that could be mountains. Mountains are shaped not by themselves but by water and winds, much as the author himself/herself ^^,

    Lastly the author mentions the existence of a women, a remnant of circumstantial evidences, slightly disappointed yet nostalgic, having gained wisdom via harsh reality and suffering.

    My interpretation may not be precise. But it is an attempt =)

    Very well written.