Comments : Chains Around My Heart

  • 12 years ago

    by Purple Rose

    I really like this poem, Ash. It is really good. I hate having chains around my heart-sometimes I feel like it is squeezing me to death :( I can relate to this. However, I would've have put this in a different section. I believe that this would have done better in the sad section than it would have in the life section.

    "Can you not hear my cries?
    When will these chains loosen
    that surround my lonely heart?
    I want to breathe normally again"

    ^This part makes me want to cry with you. "I want to breathe normally again"-beautiful line right here. I can feel the agony (or sense it) throughout this whole stanza. Awesome work.

    "Is anyone able to help me?
    People just keep passing by
    as if only silence fills the air
    Was I ever even alive?"

    ^I think everyone experiences this one time or another. You look like your in pain, but no one stops to help you. Sometimes, when I see someone who needs help, I don't even stop to help them. Makes me hate myself even more afterwords. I'm sorry-we all have been victims to this type of pain. And some of us have even been givers.

    "Will I be here forever?
    inside this islolated casket
    Will I ever see the day light again?
    I am eternally where the darkness lies"

    ^For some reason, this makes me think of a vampire. I don't know if it is the casket, or the not seeing daylight ever again. Or perhaps the line "I am eternally where the darkness lies." Perhaps you were just thinking that you were dead when you wrote this stanza. I have no idea. But it gives off that chilling feeling-not a strong one, but a good one nonetheless.

    Overall, this is an excellent poem.

  • 12 years ago

    by Unknown

    This is just drenched with sadness. It's very beautiful and well written, though. I love the fourth stanza, it's so true. You could be there crying out for help because you are in pain and no one would even give you a second glance. It's really sad that so many people are that way.

    Great job, keep writing! :)

  • 12 years ago

    by SplitSided

    The word choice kinda blew me away. I can relate to this..especially "I am eternally where the darkness lies"...there aren't words to describe the relation i feel to that line..i love it