Comments : But I Dreamt

  • 12 years ago

    by Sora

    I enjoyed reading this, it was quite different. different format of writing that I have not come upon yet. i loved how you talked of the stars and mentioned you pulled each one from the sky, those lines stay in my mind. you have talent as a writer from what i have read, do think about that as well as poetry! keep writing please!! 5/5


  • 12 years ago

    by Decayed

    Something in this poem reads intriguing, inscrutable flawlessness... I love it.

  • 12 years ago

    by Formidable Muse

    This is brilliant.

    So many clever word plays and words well versed. It's also heart breaking yet sweet.

    I pull out a jar of them, four hundred
    and thirty full. "How simple it would be
    to drown them in all that coffee. Imagine
    how easily you could tear the stars
    to shreds."

    ^^This is my favorite part. It shows a lot of vulnerability in a way, from you and her.

    I feel like I'm not full grasping everything within it but what I am is amazing, it seems so deep and what I'm getting is only from the surface. It's lovely though.