I Love You Grandma <3

by Sami   May 23, 2012

My heart has never felt so much pain
And the sky, like my eyes, have been pouring rain.

I thought my life was coming to an end
The tear in my heart is too large to mend.

You are the reason I am who I am
You've always made me feel better with just the touch of your hand

You showed how to tell right from wrong
But the day you died everything went wrong

You, my grandma, knew me so well
And the day you died was the start of my hell

I will never forget you until the day I die
And hopefully someday we will meet up in the sky

I know you left me because it was your time
But I never got to say the right goodbye

I think of you everyday
And I'm wondering what you think of me today.


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  • 12 years ago

    by Purple Rose

    Sami, this is a very emotional piece you have here. I imagine that this is probably a little tribute to your Grandma? It shows how much you love her :) and how big of an impact she made on your life.

    I like the structure-couplets :)

    I am sorry for your loss and like Hannah said it is good to keep writing to get those feelings out. Awesome job.


    • 12 years ago

      by Sami

      Thanks. It was a tribute to her.

  • 12 years ago

    by Sami


  • 12 years ago

    by Unknown

    Very touching. :( so sorry for your loss. great poem, though... keep writing, it helps to get those feelings out. 5/5