Wearing thin

by Krysten   May 25, 2012

Can't anyone hear my cry
As every day goes by

I'm sinking further down
Wearing this frown

I'm beginning to break
I try hold on for my own sake

But is it worth it anymore
My life is a bore

Revolving around
To fast for my feet to catch the ground

And have the strength to say "hold on"
This is not what i want, its a ticking bomb

Im ready to explode and burn all that are close
But i couldn't do that to the ones who mean the most

I just wanna have fun
Be my own number one

I can't coz i've already said goodbye
To my childhood with a sigh

My life will never be the same
And your the only ones to blame


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  • 12 years ago

    by Silent Girl

    I like the flow of the word's :) 5/5