Amor numquam morietur

by Cardwell   May 26, 2012

Amor numquam morietur
(My Love will never die)

My Love for you will never die,
Not even when I do.
For when I go up to the sky
my soul will protect you.

My love for you will never fail,
through bad times and through good
And though right now my health is frail,
I'll love you as I should.

My Love for you will always win,
Even when I fail
Because this cancer on my skin
Can't stop my loving you, Abigail.

Poem From my Grandfather's Eyes


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  • 12 years ago

    by Xanthe

    Hm, I was just stalking your profile today haha and came across this piece. I'm always quite skeptical in reading love poems but this one was really well-written and I'm glad I did not skip this. The dedication added a spark to this poem; it added emotion and relatability. Again, the rhymes flowed really well. I love the diction you've used, really consistent all throughout, and it fit the Latin phrase you used.
    I had a friend who died of cancer and whenever I read any poem about that, it really leaves me depressed. However, love was predominant in the atmosphere of this piece, so it has this hopeful tone to it, which I liked.
    Sorry to hear about you grandfather. Hope all the best for him..
    Keep writing :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Thomas

    Very sweet poem,
    love can gives that push to live more intensively


  • 12 years ago

    by Ms Happiness

    I love this poem, and its simplicity:)
    Very well written, great job:)

  • 12 years ago

    by L

    Love it's a beauty, the best feeling give to man kind but also the creator of many other feelings for we love and from that love other feelings are born.

    I like this piece, I like pieces that make me think and this one was sweet. Despised being ill, it shows that there is love and that that love will not die.

  • 12 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    This really got to me.... I loved the elegant flow...the wording was elegant and the rhyme scheme was wonderful!! very nice!!