Comments : Syllable Sisters (English Sonnet)

  • 12 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    Andrea, WOW

    I love this...The English Sonnet is such a classic form of poetry but one that is quite difficult to perfect, but you did good...

    I love how this is dedicated to the female poets, and that I love in itself, with the title, WOW it is awesome...

    The whole thing just made so much sense, made me feel so happy to be a poet, to be female, to be your friend, to know you, to read your work, to have you read mine, to share the same passion with these fantastic women here...

    Loved this, WOW

  • 12 years ago

    by nouriguess


    This is me SPEECHLESS!

  • 12 years ago

    by Xanthe

    I tried an English Sonnet before. I can't even imagine the patience you need to write one of these! lol
    however, this one flowed so smoothly, the rhymes were just o.o
    it's like this piece... wait.. masterpiece was done in just a matter of seconds!
    And I love the dedication <3
    'Syllable Sisters'
    I just love the sibilance of the title! It really stands out.
    The beautiful and vivid imagery is just mesmerizing.
    'Whispering goodbye with poetic grace
    ending this song with a smile on our face.'
    It was hard to choose but the ending couplet is my favorite. It literally put a smile on my face after reading this :)
    Keep writing!

  • 12 years ago

    by L


    This is a great piece and I don't want to be rude or to ruin it, but I feel the need to say this because one syllable was off in one sentence and by saying this I hope you can fix it.

    whirlwind(2) of(1) thoughts(1) become(1) annihilated(5) =11

    annihilate- 4 syllables but when the word is in the past it adds one more syllable. :)

    On the other hand, There were other two sentences that I still have doubts. (they are below this comment)

    I searched the word emerald in the site for reassurance but I believe it has 3 syllables despised the site telling me that it has 2. I looked it up in the dictionary and it does show that it has 3 syllables. I also found another site where it counts the syllables. I inserted the whole sentence "webbing memories.. " and it says that it has 11. ( But due to one site saying that it has 2, I don't find that as a big deal. Also one site tells that touch is 2 syllables while the other says that it's one. haha. That's messed up. So I am going with what I feel on the other two sentences, and I feel that you have the right syllable count for them except on the above one.

    webbing(2) memories(3), laced(1) with(1) emerald(2-3) leaves(1) = 10- 11

    painting(2) our(1) sadness(1) with(1) a(1) touch(1-2???) of(1) sass(1)

    Now content wise,
    What can I say, whenever I read garden of dancing queens, I cannot help myself but smile as I picture everyone dancing in joy. Flowers, nature, sweet memoirs. I love the choice of words. day dreams, poetic grace, those words sound so good to my ears.

    Overall, what I pictured when I was reading this piece was us dancing around in the garden full of beautiful vegetation and since it talks about ebony nights, I pictured a fired to our side.
    But wait, then becoming a garden of dancing queens tossing pain into the river of thieves... are we heroines? Are we inflicting pain in those thieves with our words? lol

    I love the last lines, my favorites:

    Whispering goodbye with poetic grace, ending this song with a smile on our face.

    ^^^ yeah, It painted a big smile on my face.

    • 12 years ago

      by Maple Tree

      THANK YOU Lucero... Iv'e fixed both lines...very much appreciated!!

  • 12 years ago

    by Ms Happiness

    I agree with Noura
    Im speechless too this sonnet is truly amazing:)

  • 12 years ago

    by Unknown

    Very beautiful!

  • 12 years ago

    by Lioness

    Love to see formed poems now, I think you've done well with this one. Awesome write hun. Lovely dedication to the woman poets out there!


  • 12 years ago

    by Karla

    I simply loved it.

  • 12 years ago

    by Meme

    This is amazing Andrea, sonnets are one of the finest forms of formed poetry and I think you penned it in this piece. And what an idea you came up with, every poetess will be proud after reading your piece. And the title?? One of the most creative and capturing titles I ever read. Loved it !!

  • 12 years ago

    by L

    I'm so glad this poem was nominated.

  • 12 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    There is a mystical feel to this write and right
    from the start to the finish it flows smoothly and
    the rhymes are spot on. Excellent work with the

  • 12 years ago

    by Robert Gardiner

    Exquisitely Written Sonnet, Nice Job!!!