by Meme
Yuuuuup, thats exactly how I feel right now. As if you read my mind, Liz. |
Hitting rock bottom, you can't go no |
by L
Inspiration.. might seem to have left us.. but actually, it has to do by how busy your life is. |
by Tara Kay
This is proof that inspiration is everywhere... |
by Karla
Liz, I don't know what left you but I hope it comes back soon. Beautiful piece. |
by L
Oops, i think you were talking about motivation rather than inspiration, so my above comment is unnecessary. |
by Unknown
I can feel the sadness and emotion in each word... can relate to this so much. 5/5 |
by Jenni
Hmm, Liz Liz Liz, I feel you. |
by Xanthe
Firstly, thank you for your comment on my poem, hope you all the best with what you are going through :) |
by Maple Tree
Liz- |
by nouriguess
My sweetest Liz, |
Great wording,,great imagery but very sad poem but greatly written and I hope u do not feel this way,,cuz it is very sad,,,if so just think I've heard once,,the only way up is down,,do take care,,great poem 5/5 always |
by Naughtymouse
Beautiful write.....left a lump in my throat .....i feel for you genuinely i do....we've all felt like this at sometime and you translated it masterfully ... Big loves x |