I do love your poem jenn |
by L
What about "her true self"? |
by Cardwell
I can't come close to comparing with Dagmar, Senyru, and Everlasting, but I do want you to know that I really, really, truly love this poem. |
by Unknown
I love each and every line in this poem. Ahhh, so beautiful. 5/5 |
by Xanthe
I'd love to leave a long comment with my thoughts on each line/stanza, but seems like Senyru and Luce said it all.. |
by Decayed
Jenni this is an awesome piece! |
by Lioness
I have to say the first stanza was awesome. Loved the way you opened it with such a powerful image. |
by Thomas
This poem is so bittersweet. |
Oh holy cow, this was an amazing poem |
by Purple Rose
This is a beautiful poem, Jenni. |
Everything has been said ... i thought it was a really good well thought out peice ... with your poems what i like in most i have to read twice n really dig deep to understand n then at the end it all comes together ... your talent shows through every word in this piece well done :) |
by Blissful
First of all, I LOVE the title! You had such a powerful ending to this poem that it made me want to read the poem a few more times to bask in the truth in your words. So many tell tales of love in their poetry but you did a great job of making it personal to you and not wrapped in general conceptions about love... |