June night

by Yakari Gabriel   Jun 1, 2012

She said :
"your hands always smell like coconuts,
it makes me want to eat them"
but hers, hers felt like the sun
vibrant and warm
like a June night


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  • 12 years ago

    by Jenni

    This poem is so smart. At first it might seem like a slightly random comparision, the speakers hands smelling like coconuts, but if it's someones favorite fruit and "tough" to get in specific countries then it's quite lovely.
    Though the speaker comparing that others persons hands to the sun is a much stronger image, it's almost like the speaker doesn't only appreciate the warmth, but also emphasizes the dependence since coconuts need sun to grow.

    But maybe I'm just nuts lol
    Nonetheless lovely poem! :)

    • 12 years ago

      by Yakari Gabriel

      Omg, i never thought about how coconuts need sun to grow... ah the beauty of poetry...
      thanks for pointing that out.. its like the poem got a deeper meaning..

  • 12 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    I love the serenity in this poem. Your descriptions are so beautiful, the girl telling the guy his hands smell like coconuts, but hers are much more....the sun on a June night.

    Peaceful and lovely :]

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