Something Inside Of Me

by Toni   Jun 28, 2004

Dear depression you have done me wrong
With all this hurt and pain
I?ve endured your torture for far too long
Buried in my shame

So, I am writing to let you know
Two can play your game
I?m becoming wise with every blow
I?m embracing the evening rain

This is something for you to hear
It comes from deep within
You see, I?ve realised what is true
When you thought I?d given in

But no, I am still right here
Even though you stay
I found myself eventually and
This is what I have to say?

The higher you build your barriers
The taller I become
The further you follow my broken heart
The faster I will run

The more pain that you inflict on me
The stronger I will grow
The harder you try to push me down
The fewer tears that will flow

The more you block out all my strength
The longer I will fight
The more you refuse me my fading pride
The brighter my shining light

The weaker you make my scarred body
The quicker I repair
The more you isolate me from the world
The more I?m self aware

The deeper you try to cut my skin
The greater my dignity
The shorter you try to make my life
The stronger my immortality

The more you distort my thoughts and views
The sharper my sense of sight
The more you doubt all my actions
The more I?m sure I?m right

You can cloud my judgement into a haze
You can kill my self-esteem
You can make me cry all night long
But my hope, I will redeem

You can hush my weak voice hidden inside
You can even cover your ears
You can give me years of sleepless nights
But I will fight my fears

You can deny me any happiness
You can ignore all my strife
You can torture me every single day
But you can?t take away my life

Depression, you have done me wrong
I?ve endured you now for far too long
And just when you thought my hope had gone?
I?ve got something inside that?s still so strong

This is the first hopeful poem iv written yet, for all of you who are struggling with this horrible illness, keep hanging on xxxxxx


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  • 19 years ago

    by enfant du tordu chagrin

    I have to say that this is really a spectacularily well written, and moving poem. Please, keep up the good work.

  • 19 years ago

    by toni rossetti

    i'm a new toni, love this one. i can 't wait untill the next one

  • 20 years ago

    by SmileeItsBritt

    wow I really like how you showed that you can be strong...not many people suffering from depression can be strong...a lot of people give in.

  • 20 years ago

    by Toni

    Thanku guys! and Tasha ur opinion dus matter! jus cos u 11 it dusnt mean u cant feel and understand pain too! :-) xxx

  • 20 years ago

    by Matti

    wow, that was beautiful, it could help everyone with some form of problem in life. keep it up, i hope to see more great work