Comments : Lately

  • 12 years ago

    by Yakari Gabriel

    So, both you and Nor posted new pieces.

    my heart was not ready.

    • 12 years ago

      by Melpomene

      I read Nor's, I'm waiting to vote for it! Absolutely gorgeous poem.

  • 12 years ago

    by Yakari Gabriel

    My love

    "The wind has
    swept away my sleep and I find a fear you
    in my dreams. Wake me up."

    shouldn't the a be an "I" sounds kind of weird?
    I will leave you a good comment.

    gorgeous piece, nor's too! monday come here
    so I can nominate!

    • 12 years ago

      by Melpomene

      Thanks sweets. Didn't even notice that but you are correct it is indeed meant to be "I" that's how I read it anyway! Off to correct it. :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Yakari Gabriel


    my future husband better call me "Sweets"...
    I'm naming my new pet that! oh god. I love it.

  • 12 years ago

    by nouriguess


    I am going to report you, lol. Because your poems are not healthy for weak hearts like mine. It is just so hard for me to open a poets profile and behold nothing but 'sad poems'. It breaks my heart to read your sadness that always leaves not a space for my words. I feel as if you wrote this while crying or something. I can hear you. The image of two bodies meshing together like bricks on an old wall is rather melancholic and poetic than anything else. Some of your metaphors seriously dug deep into me.

    I haven't been inspired enough lately to come up with a piece that wouldn't look horrible lol but with this one you have up there. I feel like thinking, imagining and being sad (you probably read my silly praise comment haha) I seriously want to write now. Thank you. :)

    I just have one thing more to say. The part of 'I find a fear' didn't totally made sense for me. Perhaps it's something beyond my ability to realise (well I am sleepy haha) but then again I find a fear you in my dreams? Seriously couldn't understand it :( I guess if the 'fear you' between two apostroph, I would suppose that you meant... Or did you... Oh god, off to bed. My eyes and brain hurt!

    Wonderfully-written, Mel.

    Edited: I just read Yakis comment. So ignore me, haha. Oh Yakz and Melissa too submitted a new piece!

    • 12 years ago

      by Melpomene

      Thanks for your lovely comment, I always appreciate your words. Also thanks for noticing that little error of mine, I too am sleepy.

  • 12 years ago

    by nouriguess

    I am sorry for pinpointing it, Mel! I just thought I wasn't understanding it and you had some meaning behind it. You always have meanings behind what I can't understand.

    • 12 years ago

      by Melpomene

      Don't apologize Nano! I really appreciate you and Yaki noticing, it's nice to see you both pay attention to my work. If you didn't tell me I'd not have seen it and I really was reading it in my mind as an "I" haha!

  • 12 years ago

    by Britt

    I don't think I've ever read a poem that is so sad and so sensual all at the same time... wow.

    The imagery drips with sadness in a way I can't even fathom. There is an awkward modesty about this piece, in the shyness of your walk, unsteady hands and hummingbirds, small that flit together and taste nectar (as in love, pervert).

    My God Mel, this poem just breaks my heart. Words spoken mean nothing without actions and a free falling feeling is normal, but spin it into excitement. Things are changing and while they're a weird change, there could be something absolutely incredible out there waiting for you. My world came crashing down and youknowwho picked up my pieces. It's a beautiful thing, someone loving you in your darkest time.

    ornate as antique archways -- beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. Your imagery and artists mind just absolutely kills me. I adore this poem, but hate what it means. :(

  • 12 years ago

    by Mohan

    Great poem...

  • 12 years ago

    by Unknown

    I added this to my favorites so I can read it over and over again. It's beyond amazing. So many great metaphors. You are an artist! 5/5

  • 12 years ago

    by Steven Beesley

    This is without doubt one of the most meaningful and deeply sentimental poems that I have read in such a long time.

    It is indeed inspiring to read, and I have read it several times already.

    Damm good write!

  • 12 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    Mel...holy sh1t!

    This is the first poem I have read in a while, and I'm glad I chose this one to bring me back!

    I'm kind of speechless at the moment, so I will be returning to leave a proper comment in a while!

    P.S I would LOVE to hear you read this one!

  • 12 years ago

    by average thoughts

    A reminder of how my body meshed with yours
    like bricks in a hundred year old wall.

    All I have left is ...

    your words and a free falling feeling like
    a jumper without a parachute. The wind has
    swept away my sleep and I find I fear you
    in my dreams. Wake me up.

    Wake me up..

    End is so gud..sad bt fantastic ..

  • 12 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    Mel, congratulations on the win! I know I have read a part of this piece before but I apologize for never coming back to finish and leave a comment. Now that I've read it fully once, I want to read it again. Every single word you write here, and every line is filled with such deep emotion that I feel like I can see them playing across the page. The images were incredible, from the hummingbirds who are so pure together, sewing dreams in tightly, to being in the atmosphere of jumping with no parachute- falling so freely but fearfully. Because all you want now is to wake up.

    It was amazing to read every few lines and then pause and really think about it, 'cause it leaves an effect on your mind and emotions in your heart. It is such a strong poem of yours, as always, and it was starting to leave me speechless, there's just so much about your poem that speaks for itself.

    Congrats again, awesome job! Keep writing :]

  • 12 years ago

    by nouriguess

    Congratulations, serial winner.

  • 12 years ago

    by Britt

    Comments from judging:

    Melpomene posts a poem, it get's nominated and it (usually) wins. Why? Because she is damn good. I fall in love with her words, her sorrow, her pain, her metaphors, her symbolism, her structure.. everything about everything she writes just blows my mind, and this is no different. This layout is something new she's been doing lately and I feel it's giving her more of an ability to release her emotion. I won't pretend to know what her poetry is always about but this one just screams sadness, and screams a request for a "do-over". Sometimes you can take her poetry literally, sometimes not. This is one of those times I feel like we can, and it brings through a heartbreaking message and tone. The girl could write an address beautifully.