A glint of hope.

by Rebecca Bentley   Jun 3, 2012

Her heart skipped a beat,
And that's all it took.
One breathless moment,
Before she was hooked.

The glint in your eye,
Mistaken for love.
If only she knew,
That was a glint of hopeless plot.

A constant uphill battle,
No progress to be made.
Catching tiny fragments,
Making your world safe.
Never thinking of what could be lost.
Don't care if you hurt her.
Her heart is what it cost.

Born without one,
Sadness imbedded deep into your vains,
No matter how many pieces,
you broke off of hers,
A heart for you,
Was not ment.
The cavety in your chest,
Filled with swinging bricks and cement.

Impossible to love,
You got it in her head.
Worthless, unwanted.
She understood every message that you sent.

The same script that every other women got.
A game you played so often,
You were winning. So you thought.
She was battered from the fights she had with herself.
Because of A devil, not welcome, worse than the devil himself.

Justice, a word hard to comprehend.
His life is now left hanging, imbedded. Into a fragment of her broken heart. He did it to himself.


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  • 12 years ago

    by Khalid M Darwish

    Your Poem made me feeling as if I were one of the poem's actors Rebecca. So deep. Keep on penning the same way Rebecca.

  • 12 years ago

    by Purple Rose

    Typos: Cavety is supposed to be cavity

    This is a very deep poem, Rebecca. Your pain is evident here. The lines "the cavity in your chest, filled with swinging bricks and cement" are really strong lines. I can only imagine what that boy did to you :( I sympathize with you.

    Excellent poem. Good expression of your emotions.