Comments : If We Could Turn Back The Clock.

  • 12 years ago

    by Purple Rose

    I can relate to this, Steven. I remember my friends from high school, and I miss them. This is a beautiful poem to the people you are thinking about...

    "I remember the happy
    joy and laughter that echoed
    as we shared our
    common interests in the
    written word."

    Are you missing your friends from this website, or are you missing other friends who used to write with you in person? Well in any case, it is sad to lose a friendship because you never know how much that person means to you until they are no longer there :( I'm sorry.

    Excellent poem. Maybe one day you can be friends again.

    • 12 years ago

      by Steven Beesley

      Yes, we have made and lost friendships along the way, I am getting to a ripe old age in life where I realize that we all make mistakes along the way.

      The parting of ways when you look back all seem so silly and for what?

  • 12 years ago

    by End Of Eternity

    So nice to have you back Steven. Infact...Back With A Bang... lol

    I really loved this one, so easy to relate to & I am sure most of us would. Things changes with time & so does priorities. I remember my good old friends & cherish the time that we had but you know what...even if we all meet again...we can never bring that amount of fun again..coz things have changed with time.

    Loved it all the way.

    all the best and take care

  • 12 years ago

    by Xanthe

    This is a very relatable piece. I'm sure we all have friends we don't talk to anymore and all we could do is wish we could turn back time. You really penned that well here.

    'Do you remember the days
    of you and I and
    of our friends gathered
    all around.'
    ^ The simplicity of language really pulled me in to read this. I think this is a cathartic poem, in which you just wrote to let out all of those painful emotions off of your chest. Hope all is well now. I suggest you end this stanza with a question mark though, to heighten the importance of the question.

    'I remember the happy
    joy and laughter that echoed
    as we shared our
    common interests in the
    written word.'
    ^ I really like how you don't add embellishments and such; the flow of the events is really smooth. The 'written word' made me think that these friends of yours are also writers/poets. I suggest you change 'happy' to happiness since joy and laughter are nouns.

    'But then there were
    some differences and
    anomosity enthused.'
    ^ I think 'anomosity' should be animosity.
    I like 'enthused' here. It most often is used positively, but the preceding word contrasted that.

    'Much to the detriment
    of our group, misunderstandings
    windened and so did a rift in
    ^ 'our friendship' would be better, since you said 'our group', to make it more specific.

    'Wishing is all I
    can dream for, that we may
    all turn back the
    ^ This is the core of the whole piece, I guess. Nothing much to comment; it's well-written.

    'Where our friendships
    are not severed or lost
    and where we may all
    smile once more;
    to enjoy the pleasure of each
    others company.'
    ^ An apostrophe on others (other's) would be nice. The ending was rather hopeless since the persona have started being satisfied with only wishful thinking.

    A well-written piece about broken friendship that might never be fixed. I really like this for its simplicity and relatability. Great job, sir. Keep writing :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Angie

    Oh Mr Beesley, my sweet friend... how have you been, its great to read you once again. Thank you for the comment on my write and I am doing well thank you.

    This piece is sad to me because of things that tore a wonderful group apart a few years back, as you said, friendships severed and people gone their separate ways. Yet it puts a smile on my face because it brings back such wonderful memories of good times had by all. Oh if only we COULD turn back the hands of time....

    A very heartfelt write Sir... will have to read more of your writes when I get home from work tonight.

    Have a beautiful and blessed day Steven


  • 12 years ago

    by Chima

    Friendship hold all boundary but when broken there is throuble

  • 12 years ago

    by mandy

    A beautiful heart-breaking poem. 5/5
    It makes me think of friends that have come and gone over the years.

    mandy :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    Do you remember the days
    of you and I and
    of our friends gathered
    all around?

    ^I like this opening stanza for its simple and
    realistic! It just draws the reader into your poem :)

    I remember the happiness
    joy and laughter that echoed
    as we shared our
    common interests in the
    written word.

    ^when friendships are created so are many
    happiness that are shared with this stanza!

    Much to the detriment
    of our group, misunderstandings
    widened and so did a rift in

    ^When misunderstandings fail to be rectified it
    draws a line between friends creating a gap
    which becomes too wide to be sealed...its sad
    when this happens between friends!

    We all do wish to turn back time and undo all
    the wrongs but that is impossible. A heartfelt
    write which everyone of us share...well done :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Unknown

    Oh how I can relate to this so much! Over time, friendships just seem to fade away, it's a shame and I do wish I could just turn back the clock and somehow change it. Oh well, everything happens for a reason. A great write! 5/5

  • 12 years ago

    by chindarella

    Great, great write. We have all felt this at some point in our life, I reckon. Very relatable topic, I did enjoy.

  • 12 years ago

    by Haden Chua

    Great poem that describes the ups and downs of friendship coupled with fond memories.

  • 12 years ago

    by Nathan

    I like this one a lot. It is a great poem. =)

  • I can certainly relate to this piece -

    Animosity destroys groups of friends.
    If one friend were to leave, the group's whole dynamic is altered; irreparable without that person.
    Turns out it's a lot easier to hate than forgive.

    If only we could turn back the clock...

    A well penned piece. 5/5