
by Yakari Gabriel   Jun 9, 2012

Some nights are just that,
nights. nothing but a few hours
of darkness, perhaps stars too,
if you're lucky.

and then they are nights,
that are interrupted,
and you get a similar feeling
to the one you get when you're
kissing a lover, and they tell you
its time to leave..

you also find nights that fall,
slowly, and sweetly..
you witness the sun slipping its way,
back into the mouth of the horizon.
and you sit there, thankful the day
is ending..

and you let out a sigh, or two..
to finally feel the wind hugging your

they are all types of nights..

but none as harsh as the ones
where you wake, suddenly,
feeling so hungry for love
your bones tremble.

..and you realize, there's
no one beside you.


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  • 12 years ago

    by Steven Beesley

    I like how you wove the different feelings into different analogies.

  • 12 years ago

    by nouriguess


    Why. Why. Why. Why do I leave for a day or two or a week due to my exams and come back to this heartache? To this sadness woven all along your words? I simply love everything you write because it's simply touching. You don't shove vocabulary into each line, they travel so easily between every stanza! Make me write like youuu. Just simple!

    Adored this. Sadness, vulnerability, longing, peace and mostly love... You rock my world, girl.

  • 12 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    "Some nights are just that,
    nights. nothing but a few hours
    of darkness, perhaps stars too,
    if you're lucky.

    and then they are nights,
    that are interrupted,
    and you get a similar feeling
    to the one you get when you're
    kissing a lover, and they tell you
    its time to leave.."

    - Yaki, there's so much soul in your pieces, just pure raw you as you describe in such honesty what you want the reader to see and understand. I love how you give these examples of nights, the nights that are just themselves and nothing more, and then the lonely ones that cut you deeper and make you feel memories.

    - It seems like such a simple image, comparing that feeling to a true lover leaving you but it stands strong. I've never experienced that feeling, but meeting that love that you've kissed so many nights and then being told that it's over, that every future memory will not happen, well that's something I cannot imagine, the pain of reliving a feeling so strong and effecting the heart.

    "you also find nights that fall,
    slowly, and sweetly..
    you witness the sun slipping its way,
    back into the mouth of the horizon.
    and you sit there, thankful the day
    is ending..

    and you let out a sigh, or two..
    to finally feel the wind hugging your

    - I liked the softness of these two stanzas, watching the sun, being that witness and realizing you are glad, even relieved that you can rest and move onto another day. I also think wind is a comforting thing, and that in your words, it is very soft and melodious.

    "they are all types of nights..

    but none as harsh as the ones
    where you wake, suddenly,
    feeling so hungry for love
    your bones tremble.

    ..and you realize, there's
    no one beside you."

    - Wow, just your frankness in this is the most emotional to me. I've never really thought about the night as many things. I usually think of it as staying up at night listening to music being that night owl or just it being a passing lonely thing. But all these different nights have such needs and meaning.

    - Lastly, the title keys in so greatly here in the ending. The deepest hunger, for love. I think of hunger has being many things I guess, but that hunger for love I believe is in every one of us at some point. I believe we're all searching for some love in our lives. You bring that sadness here to the front, knowing, and not just thinking or dreaming, but knowing for a fact that no one is beside you. And that loneliness is present, something intangible, 'cause there's no one to feel around you.

    - Such simplicity and that's why I enjoyed this piece so much Yaki! 'Cause it made me think of many thoughts others have and go deeper in my mind to what others feel deeper down. It makes me bring up my own circumstances and give me a new understanding as well. And that's why it's so deep to me because I realize there are others in the world feeling exactly like this, and that desire to spread as much love as possible to places and people where it's empty. So thanks for making me feel and realize a lot here, it reminded me that there are deeper needs in the world than I may see casually everyday or so.

    Great job :]

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