Comments : I

  • 12 years ago

    by Hannah Lizette

    "I'm always in a smile thinking of you
    Love is a symbol of fait
    Kissing you I have to do
    It is late o please wait"

    ^fait should be "fate"
    o should be "oh"

    "My poem is a bit late to day
    Used much time on scribing a lot
    I was thinking how I could stay
    Once I was a bit hot"

    ^ to day should be "today"
    scribing should be "scribbling"

    "Then there is a day
    then there is a day I don't hate
    I just wanted to stay
    This is my true fait"

    ^once again fait should be "fate"

    Honestly, I'm confused a little by this poem. It doesn't seem like it's got a clear message. Maybe some revision and some punctuation would help.