Forbidden Fantasy

by Unknown   Jun 9, 2012

Thoughts of you linger,
floating through the canal of hope,
pondering if you think of me as I think of you.

Do small things trigger a thought of me?
The sight of a lily? the scent of my exotic perfume?
Does the taste of succulent strawberries remind you
of my lips?

Deep blue seas remind me of your soulful eyes,
a summer breeze reminds me of my hair turbulently flying
through the air when you used to take me for a ride,
and even the slight stubble on my unshaven legs reminds
me of your five o'clock shadow.

Is our love evanescent?
Are you now just a forbidden fantasy?
Will I forever be engulfed in the darkness of unknown?

You invaded my heart,
Questions start bombing my thoughts,
I wonder if you are in this war, too?

*written for a club challenge.

Copyright 2012: Hannah K.


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  • 12 years ago

    by DeviousCharmer

    I really like this . it makes me think of the person i have a crush on

  • 12 years ago

    by Alanis

    Wonderful and exciting! No flaws and perfect in every


  • 12 years ago

    by The Poet Behind The Poems

    Straight into my favs ... That was a truly remarkable write gave me goose bumps ... your word choice was perfect could not fault it flawless

    beautiful write

  • 12 years ago

    by Steven Beesley

    So much deep longing written into this write.
    It is nicely entwined with such lovely images of the past with your lover and questions whether
    they still have the same memories and thoughts.

    Excellent Hannah!

  • The imagery was just perfect.
    Fantastic use of words and nice arrangement too.

    This is a absolutely stunning piece.