
by Poet on the Piano   Jun 11, 2012

I can barely watch you stand
without my heart aching
with a pain I've never felt before....

as I look at your IVs
transfusing blood into your veins
and how I worry about
the way your eyes wander.

I can't tell if much color
has left your face,
but they tell me,
those who walk the hospital halls,
that you are weaker
paler than before.

And I still cannot believe it.

Was it only nine months ago
when I got the news, and
my breaths became strained?

I now feel inaudible rips through my
heart, I even have to clutch
my sides, so unsure about how
to keep breathing,
keep talking to you as if life

goes on.

While I'm here in this stiff chair
I try not to notice how your eyes
linger on me-
remembering how you watched me grow
into a young woman, almost
touching the sky, so close,
[it just seems too hard to face]

I've read statistics,
researching the prognosis
all in the secret confines
of my room-
so no one will disrupt
the love I hold for you.

Of course, I knew
that you'd be ready,
deep down, I knew,
that you would not
accept any treatment.

And how I smile in my dreams
to know that you might be
one of the five percent
who outlive it all,
yet God has a way
of letting his sunset be
the unsatisfying end
to a lifetime.

But you're here now,
I'm with you,
and my eyes are threatening
to show tears,
but I'll be strong for you-
just like how you've shown me
that there is always hope,
even in the dim knowing
that life is not lasting.

I promise I'll live on to say
that love, love has always been

* Dedicated to someone dear in my heart, thanks for reading. 6/10/2012


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  • 11 years ago

    by Illusion

    This piece is very emotional...

  • 11 years ago

    by L

    " I promise I'll live on to say
    that love, love has always been

    -- T_T

    The title " Everlasting" got my attention, I was passing by to read some of your other poems and I stumbled upon this treasure. My goodness, I just felt the love and sadness yet hope in this write. thanks for sharing it, I won't forget the above words.

  • 12 years ago

    by Darren

    Very emotional piece, you have definitely put your heart and soul in this.
    but they tell me,
    those in walk the hospital halls
    Should 'in' be 'that' or 'who'
    There is not much I can say about this piece, sometimes those poems that you write from the heart
    Especially in such difficult circumstances are those that should be left untouched.
    Of course, I knew
    that you'd be ready,
    deep down, I knew,
    that you would not
    accept any treatment.

    I like how this stanza almost offers the reader a crumb of comfort, before you lead into the inevitable.
    Great read.

  • 12 years ago

    by nouriguess
