
by Unknown   Jun 13, 2012

I see life through a lens,
captured with just one quick click,
forgotten objects transformed into an exotic being.

Shattered glass scattered across the marble floor,
I need to pick up my fragile pieces,
take my own advice and just move on.
Trapped in the past and stuck on repeat,
will I ever be able to press delete?

If I take off my mask,
would you still think I'm pretty?
Without all these shades of color,
I'm nothing but a shadow in the mirror.
I try to showcase the beauty within,
yet my insecurities draws me back in.

Since I feel repulsive and rejected,
I will undergo metamorphosis each day,
just so I can feel normal again.

Copyright 2012: Hannah K.


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  • 12 years ago

    by Omar

    Wow i think Everone can relate to this poem. Great job.
    I think this is your best poem, yet. Keep it up :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    Hannah- You have created a poem that really stuck deep within me... I too feel like this and its really a powerful piece.... very nice!!

  • 12 years ago

    by Jenna Bella Oldridge

    Such a sad piece my heart goes out to you and I hope in time you feel better it was an emotional poem that made a heartfelt read 5/5

  • 12 years ago

    by Xanthe

    Hannah :)
    Having read your profile, I know you are passionate about photography. The first verses really showcases your passion for it. The way you wrote about seeing life through the lens was breathtaking.

    I liked the assonance of 'shattered' and 'scattered', as well as the subtle rhyme of 'repeat' and 'delete' (whether intended or not), but these lines seemed too ordinary for the context of this poem:
    'Shattered glass scattered across the marble
    I need to pick up my fragile pieces,
    take my own advice and just move on.'
    ^ I don't really know, but this is the weakest part of the poem. First lines were depicting an overused image; following lines were just too telling. Expanding on 'my own advice' would be better in my opinion, and how would you 'move on'? Simply stating that the persona would 'just move on' is overused in poetry, unfortunately. You can 'show' how you'd move on perhaps..?

    'I try to showcase the beauty within,
    yet my insecurities draws me back in.'
    ^ A tiny grammatical error: draws should be 'draw'. If the subject is plural, the verb must be singular, and vice versa (:

    'I will undergo metamorphosis each day,
    just so I can feel normal again.'
    ^ You do succeed with the end. It is a very powerful ending. I like it.

    Keep writing!

  • 12 years ago

    by DeviousCharmer

    Thats how i feel, afraid to show who i am and always in the past